Writing simple optical flow in python

First of all we need a couple of test images:
import numpy
from StringIO import StringIO

I0 = numpy.loadtxt(StringIO("""
         0         0         0         0         0
         0         0    0.5000         0         0
         0         0    1.0000         0         0
         0         0    0.5000         0         0
         0         0         0         0         0""") )

I1 = numpy.loadtxt(StringIO("""
         0         0         0         0         0
         0       0.5         0         0           0
         0       1.0         0         0           0
         0       0.5         0         0           0
         0         0         0         0         0 """) )
Define initial horiozontal and vertical components of optical flow
u = numpy.zeros_like(I0); 
v = numpy.zeros_like(I0); 
Lets write class for making warps. As OF usually deals only with small displacements, we need iterative estimation: estimate, shift image by found vectors, find again.

class Warper:
    def __init__(self, shape, u0, v0, I0, I1, display = False):
            shape - shape of input function,
            u0, v0 - starting values of flow
            I0, I1 - images to compute flow between
        # saving dimensions
        self.M, self.N = shape[0], shape[1]
        # save initial estimation
        self.u, self.v = u0.copy(), v0.copy()
        # grid of coordinates, required further
        self.idx, self.idy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.N), np.arange(self.M))
        # filter for partial derivatives computation
        self.mask = np.array([1, -8, 0, 8, -1], ndmin=2)/12.0; 
        # flag of debug information output
        self.display = display
        self.counter = 0
        # copy of images
        self.I0, self.I1 = I0.copy(), I1.copy()
        # here we create an instance of training function. On each step we will approach to minimum by gradient descent
        self.train = TrainFunctionSimple(u0, v0, rate=0.1)
    # main function
    def warp(self):
        if self.display:
            print 'Warp %d' % (self.counter,)
        # initial value 
        u0, v0 = self.u.copy(), self.v.copy()
        # Ends of motion vectors. From these points we will "compensate" motion
        idxx = self.idx + u0
        idyy = self.idy + v0
        # get linearly interpolated values from (idxx, idyy) pixels of I1
        I1warped = interp2linear(self.I1, idxx, idyy)

        # just debug output
        if self.display:
            print "I1warped", I1warped

            print "I0", I0
            print "u0", u0
            print "v0", v0

        It = (I1warped - self.I0)
        print "It", It

        #My first wrong version (it gives no converging, something like continuing initial vectors to infinity during warps) (***)
        #Ix = ndimage.correlate(self.I1, self.mask, mode='nearest') 
        #Iy = ndimage.correlate(self.I1, self.mask.T, mode='nearest') 

        #Much better is:
        Ix = ndimage.correlate(I1warped, self.mask, mode='nearest') 
        Iy = ndimage.correlate(I1warped, self.mask.T, mode='nearest') 

        # boundary handling
        m = (idxx > self.N - 1) | (idxx < 0) | (idyy > self.M - 1) | (idyy < 0)
        Ix[m] = 0.0
        Iy[m] = 0.0
        It[m] = 0.0
        self.Ix = Ix
        self.Iy = Iy
        self.It = It
        self.train.init(np.zeros_like(self.I0), np.zeros_like(self.I0))
        for i_sgd in range(120):
            print self.train.step(Ix, Iy, It),

        self.u += self.train.tu.get_value()
        self.v += self.train.tv.get_value()
        self.counter += 1
Now describing TrainFunction. Well design is not good yet
class TrainFunction(object):
    def __init__(self, u0, v0, rate):
        self.rate = rate
        self.tu = theano.shared(u0,name='tu')
        self.tv = theano.shared(v0,name='tv')
        self.tIx = T.matrix("tIx")
        self.tIy = T.matrix("tIy")
        self.tIt = T.matrix("tIt")
        self.gu, self.gv = None, None
        self.E = None
        self.train_function = self.get_function()
    # this function must be overloaded in the derived classes
    def get_energy(self):
        raise Exception("Non implemented")
    # construct Theano-function for gradient descent 
    def get_function(self):
        if self.E is None:
            self.E = self.get_energy()
        if self.gu is None or self.gv is None:
            self.gu, self.gv = T.grad(self.E, [self.tu, self.tv])  
        train_function = theano.function(
            inputs=[self.tIx, self.tIy, self.tIt],
            updates=((self.tu, self.tu - self.rate * self.gu), (self.tv, self.tv - self.rate * self.gv)),
        return train_function
    # initialization of flow values
    def init(self, u0, v0):
    # launching step of gradiennt descent
    def step(self, *args):
        return self.train_function(*args)
class TrainFunctionSimple(TrainFunction):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 1.1)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    # constructs Theano-function, that calculate Energy
    def get_energy(self,):
        # data term 
        Edata = T.sum( ( self.tIx * self.tu + self.tIy * self.tv + self.tIt ) ** 2 ) 

        # regularization term
        Ereg = T.sum(
            (self.tu)**2 + 
            (self.tv)**2 )

        return Edata+self.alpha*Ereg
finally launching
wrpr = Warper( I0.shape, numpy.zeros_like(I0), numpy.zeros_like(I0), I0, I1, display=True)
warps = 5
for i in range(warps):
Printing the results:

print wrpr.u
print wrpr.v
[[ 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.523  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.941  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.    -0.523  0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]]
[[ 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.    -0.692  0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.692  0.     0.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.   ]]
Well, not precise enough. However the direction is right.

UPDATE: due to my error in (***), see code, results and images below may have no sense

Some errors

In this implementation we estimate how to move I1 to match I0. So vectors points from locations of I0 to points of I1. So spatial derivatives must be calculated from I1, not I0:
Ix = ndimage.correlate(self.I1, self.mask, mode='nearest') 
Iy = ndimage.correlate(self.I1, self.mask.T, mode='nearest') 
If you write instead:
Ix = ndimage.correlate(self.I0, self.mask, mode='nearest') 
Iy = ndimage.correlate(self.I0, self.mask.T, mode='nearest') 
you will get pressy strange results.
Input images I0 and I1:

So the "object" moves from left to right. I0 is a current frame and I1 is a previous frame. The vectors after 1 and 10 warps of correct iteration (derivatives of I1, I0 at background):

The vectors after 1 and 10 warps of incorrect iteration (derivatives of I0, I0 at background):

These pictures are made with 120 steps of gradient descent.

Regularization term

Ok. Now lets improve our regularization term. Instead of L2 norm, lets use Total Variation approach.
On the same settings  lets use another train function class:
class TrainFunctionTV(TrainFunction):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 1.1)

        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_energy(self,):
        Edata = T.sum((self.tIx * self.tu + self.tIy * self.tv + self.tIt) ** 2)
        Ereg1 = T.sum(
            (self.tu[1:]-self.tu[:-1])**2 +
            (self.tv[1:]-self.tv[:-1])**2 )
        Ereg2 = T.sum(
            (self.tu[:,1:]-self.tu[:,:-1]) **2 +
            (self.tv[:,1:]-self.tv[:,:-1]) ** 2)

        return Edata+self.alpha*(Ereg1+Ereg2)   

Now we have these results:
print wrpr.u
print wrpr.v


[[-0.862 -0.903 -0.949 -0.941 -0.929]
 [-0.842 -0.92  -1.025 -0.968 -0.941]
 [-0.81  -0.933 -1.101 -0.99  -0.95 ]
 [-0.842 -0.92  -1.025 -0.968 -0.941]
 [-0.862 -0.903 -0.949 -0.941 -0.929]]
[[-0.121 -0.136 -0.093 -0.06  -0.045]
 [-0.106 -0.197 -0.083 -0.043 -0.029]
 [-0.    -0.    -0.    -0.    -0.   ]
 [ 0.106  0.197  0.083  0.043  0.029]
 [ 0.121  0.136  0.093  0.06   0.045]]


before (L2) after (TV)

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