TIL about PyPy

Building from source root using command
pypy_src$ rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
produces structure with obsolete pypy-c and libpypy-c.so in

Probably pypy compiler places there files integrated in the src distribution. To get fresh versions I had to use pypy-c and libpypy-c.so from sources root.

Probably I was completely wrong.
pypy/tool/release/package.py has an option for (not) stripping resulting binary file: "--nostrip". By default it is enabled. Looks like it removed something unused from binaries. This operation updates timestamp of the pypy-c and libpypy-c.so. So probably that was the cause of my misunderstanding.

Script for packaging and creating virtual environment:


rm -rf ./my_builds/ || exit 2
mkdir ./my_builds/ || exit 3

if [ -z "$DST_NAME" ]; then
    echo "DST_NAME is  empty"
    exit 3

# runs packaging
./pypy/tool/release/package.py --builddir /home/pypy/builds/ --nostrip --archive-name $DST_NAME || exit 4

# creates a new virtual environment
virtualenv -p /home/pypy/builds/$DST_NAME/bin/pypy /home/pypy/env/$DST_NAME

# installing nose for numpy testing (optional)
source /home/pypy/env/$DST_NAME/bin/activate
pip install nose